Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Autumn Leaves - getting creative

Last week I decided to take advantage of the storm we had the night prior and go onto a 'leaf collecting trip' with dear little Beth - the adorable 3-year-old I'm taking care of.

What I first thought would turn really quickly into a whiny 'Why can't we go home already'-like experience was actually LOVED by her. I literally had to drag her home and promise her hot chocolate and biscuits to end the excursion after 3 hours spent crouched down in the cold.

When we got home and had warmed ourselves up with the promised hot chocolate, the leaves were cleaned (a damp kitchen towel does wonders here) and neatly placed in between layers and layers of cooking books - the shelves were raided and completely emptied.

Now, perhaps I should have thought of that earlier, but I just figured we would collect them, place them underneath their books and then forget about them for the rest of the week. Silly Me! I spent the entire week being pestered about those things, and had almost lost my motivation to continue.

But one look today at the gorgeous colours of the (almost dried) pressed leaves today got me going again. So starting tomorrow, we will try and make our version of a leafy alphabet, each letter illustrated by its very own special leaf-animal.
So, as soon as we have started and I have some pictures to share with you, there will be a follow-up post.

What do you think of the idea? And what do you usually do with your dried leaves?

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